I have a cold, or maybe the flu....or something, either way, it's driving me up the wall, I haven't felt this bad since I was ten and got scarlet fever.
and, of course, just like every other time, boring, recurring dreams about numbers, video game characters and a random place I made up when I was seven.
can't go outside, can't see friends, can't talk right, can't breath well....I hate being sick.
I just keep watching stuff on youtube, maybe that's making my dreams worse, I've gotta get a new book, one I haven't read before....
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<a href="http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_16?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=anthony+horowitz+gatekeepers+series&sprefix=anthony+horowitz&ih=20_1_0_0_0_1_0_0_0_1.100_1258&fsc=-1">http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_
amp;field-keywords=anthony+horowitz+g atekeepers+series&sprefix=anthony +horowitz&ih=20_1_0_0_0_1_0_0_0_1 .100_1258&fsc=-1</a> ?
I've seen that in book stores, some guys said it was really good, I might just take a look...