okay, I'm back!
oh, and i got you all something, a song!
they say its the song of demons!
i like it!
one day the world will end and they shall sing of pain and loss,
then the world will have lost the only evil it ever had,
the loss of all the humans,
no day will come,
no night will come,
it will always sleep but never dream,
life will slow in the end and none shall live past pain of sleepless nights,
sickness will end the last of the painful lives they live,
but never let them go free to where ever they want to go,
heaven or hell but none will ever enter.
that is the song of demons, listen, how lovely it is, it tells only truth.
and i had the LONGEST shower EVER!
you can ask me about my trip or anything you can think of now, if you want!
Okay, I'll bite. How long was this shower of yours?
And that song of demons really cheered me up. :) Haha!
my shower was 1 hour and 45 minutes long!
I'm glad the song of demons made you feel good, it makes me feel good to!