suck my cock?
And then I realised the cake was a lie
Age 28, Female
Australia, Earth
Joined on 9/13/08
suck my cock?
you first, bastard!!!! I HATE YOU!!!! (grin)
A true friend is like a silver dollar
They are Large in Value, Shiny, and Cannot be Mis-placed.
Those friends that you may worry about shouldn't even bother you...
For if they were your TRUE friends...they would think of you the same way as a silver dollar.
You may have seen those types in Middle School...Some of the Pack Leaders or the Queen Bees...No matter how Obnoxious or Mean they are...they still follow?
They don't care about their them....those followers are PENNIES!
They are cheep...large in numbers...traded...lost in cracks and holes...and are cared less...
Even if you still have ONE of your three're one of the luckiest people in the whole world.
wow, best response on this thing!!!! you rock!!!!
meh i dont have any friends im srry i cant help you with that and also now im out i just wanted to help you out cause i like you well at least the you you put out in your internet aura
i don't know. sorry
bloodsuckingmonster (Updated )
fine, its ok not to know!!!! ya know!!!!